I decided to make this game based around time travel set in the age of the dinosaurs because who doesn’t love dinosaurs? The first room I made to demonstrate to any potential player that the game takes place during said time of the dinosaurs. Room two I made so that there was more of this time that would be demonstrated and for the player to explore. Room three I made a forest because in order for the player to see the plant and realize they might need something from there if they did not pick up the plant in the middle. Room four I made because I the point of the game is to find where your time machine is and I wanted to highlight the tension in the situation and that the player needed to find it as soon as possible. Room five I had a big dinosaur block the way because I wanted the player to have had a reason to explore the rest of the world and by extension, find the plant you could feed to it so that it would move its head and let the player pass.


            I decided to make the transitioning of the rooms become more and more hostile overtime. At the beginning, it is very friendly and welcoming because it is the beginning and the player would be feeling happy and want to explore their surroundings. As they go along, the world starts to become more domineering and threatening. It hints at bigger and meaner dinosaurs. This is with the intention of putting the player on edge and they would anticipate that they need to get to the time machine so they can get to safety.

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